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Welcome to 
Vitality Rose Nutrition


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What Our Clients Say

“ Merissa at Vitality Rose has been a force in my health journey. I've always felt safe telling her my ups and downs on my health journey. My metabolism has restarted without deprivation and calorie counting and I've actually grown to enjoy exercise after being encouraged to try new ways to move."

Jennifer, AZ

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Telehealth Visits

Get Support from the Comfort of Your Home

Have easy access to experts in the nutrition field. During your visit, you won't be given a fad diet to try. You will receive evidenced based guidelines and customized goals to help you meet your unique needs. 

About Us

Who We Are

The main force behind Vitality Rose Nutrition is a deep desire to help individuals achieve their long-term diet and nutrition goals. Whether you’re seeking help with weight loss, sports nutrition, or disease prevention, each client is individually evaluated and provided with a unique plan they can successfully follow. At Vitality Rose Nutrition, we are here to provide you with education, support, and care throughout your journey. 

"We are not here to tell you what not to eat.

We are here to help you find ways to incorporate your favorite foods in a way that is sustainable and healthy for you." 

Merissa Mills, RD, LD, CPT

Owner of Vitality Rose Nutrition

Picture of Merissa Mills, Vitality Rose Nutrition's owner

"Values are related to our emotions, just as we practice physical hygiene to preserve our physical health, we need to observe emotional hygiene to preserve a healthy mind and attitudes." 

— Dalai Lama

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