Most of us are cursed with the dreaded food baby....except sometimes we seem to have a food baby while living in romaine lettuce and water. So what causes bloating, and how do we fix it?
Causes of Bloating
Fiber: There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber helps decrease GI transit time (treats constipation) whole soluble fiber increases transit time (treats diarrhea). With this being said, having too much or too little of either fiber can cause disruption of your digestion and result in bloating.
Dehydration: Water is KEY in regards to your digestion! Think of a street that's backed up (this may seem like a gross comparison but bare with me). The street is backed up with cars and it seems like no one knows where to go, resulting in a ton of traffic. Well, add a traffic light to that scenario. The light is able consistently keep the cars moving and prevent a large back up. Well, water is the traffic light. So drink up and keep the cars moving.
That time of the month: There isn't much to say about this one. However, what's important to note is that bloating and other period symptoms can happen up to one week before and after the actual cycle (that's potentially 3 weeks of bloating).
An actual food baby: Our bodies can only digest food so fast. So, when we overfill our stomachs it's bound to get piled up in the abdomen, resulting in bloating (and potential discomfort).
Artificial sweeteners: As a dietitian, I see many clients go for the sugar free items. Well, those sugar free items may have artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, suclarose, sorbitol, etc. Very common side effects of artificial sugar are GI disruption and bloating. So next time you go for that sugar free treat, see if that may be a potential cause.
How to Treat Bloating
Water: Pardon me while I sound like every stereotypical health nut. But sufficient water intake is DIRE to your overall health. Hitting your fluid needs is a very helpful way to treat and prevent bloating as it promptes healthy digestion. I recommend seeing a dietitian to help you calculate your specific fluid needs.
Fiber: Having a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains will help you be more likely to reach your fiber needs and prevent bloating. I recommend 20-25 gm per day (although EVERYONE is unique). My go-to sources of fiber include lentils, avocado, and broccoli.
Exercise: Movement promotes healthy digestion which will prevent bloating. Aim for 150 active minutes per week, consisting of strength training and cardio. If this is a big jump for you, feel free to take smaller steps and work your way up to that goal.
Cut out the fake stuff: This one is complicated to discuss over a one-sided blog post. Because of this I am once again going to recommend you see a dietitian. However, depending on your health factors and current conditions, sometimes it's better to consume the "real" sugar and treats in moderation than to have limitless amounts of sugar-free soda, candy, and macchiatos. When you consume actual sugar, your body can use the calories for energy through movement. However, artificial sweeteners have no calories within them, meaning our bodies cannot utilize them for anything in particular. So, having a small amount of regular soda may not align with your dietary goals, but it does provide our bodies with something to use, as well as be less likely to cause bloating compared to the sugar free beverage.
Final Thoughts
This is NOT a comprehensive list of bloating causes or how to address it. However, if you feel like you are constantly bloated or can't seem to get a handle on what causes you to bloat, seek medical assistance. I recommend a gastroenterologist as well as a dietitian to get comprehensive treatment.
But remember, regardless of whether you have a food baby or not, that does not change how you should feel about yourself when you look in the mirror. You are not defined by your shape. ❤️